Can You Really Rely On An Introvert?

Introverts are stereotyped as antisocial and shy.

Yes. So? Does that make them cowards? Yes it does.

Introverts form different types of leaders but a common preference is towards becoming the ideal one where employees are proactive and need a leader who listens rather than dominates. This was seen in a study by Grant, Gino, and Hofmann (2011).

Now this could seem to contradict the stereotype of extroverts making better leaders due to their extraverted nature.

Introverts can be deliberate in their decision-making process. They usually consider different aspects of a situation before making a decision (Thompson, 2008). They are also less likely to make impulsive decisions that ignore thoughts and emotions.


It is true that in western cultures, extraversion is associated with success, sociability and assertiveness (Cain, 2012). Environments that emphasize public speaking, group work or networking can favor extroverts where introverts are seen as shy individuals lacking confidence.

But this overlooks how introverts can excel at tasks requiring attention, creativity and independent problem solving (Helgoe, 2008).


Extroverted individuals can do better in groups and take the lead better than introverted individuals can. Some individuals might consider that to be essential in order to be good leaders and that could be one side of the coin.

But before an action, careful analysis can lead to better solutions. And no one does that better than an introvert.

In summary, introverts can plan and strategize while extroverts can implement in certain situations. To the powers that be!